If one looks at the historical data on calcium ingestion in China one finds that they are weaned of breast milk as a child and do use milk as a adult. Results. All I can say is Chinese have less osteoporosis than Americans. Check it out! Use
How to make your bones stronger and even prevent coronary heart disease is the aim of this little blog. Hear it is. (Bones require a symphony of elements to strengthen them. Not a solo of calcium, which I think does not need to be taken. There is plenty of calcium in our diet, it just is not utilized.) Vitamin D ( I recommend ten thousand a day and get tested in three months), Magnesium ( not magnesium Oxide...its a laxative), boron and vitamin k2 ( specifically the MK 7 kind).
Mk7 is one of many subdivisions of vitamin k2. I take a brand that contains not only mk7 but mk4 also. Mk7 specifically directs calcium to the bones and not the blood vessels. I recommend 200 mg of mk7 a day. Calcium in the coronary arteries is the leading indicator of a pending heart attack.
Why don't docs tell you this? Because they get zero teaching on diet. Their license is for the treatment of disease and not for prevention. On the other hand, a Nurses license is for the maintenance of homeo stasis ( Health) and we do get some teaching of diet.
Lets face it. Diet is a complex subject requiring a great deal of study. Yours truly finds the maintenance of health a fascinating subject and at age 78 I still am free of and significant disease.