Nicotinamide Riboside. First this is a vitamin so basically no worries about taking it. Second it has the potential of making you younger on the cellar level. Universities are studying it and there are plenty of studies out there on mice and rodents effectiveness of the vitamin.
Second you can not get enough of this vitamin in your diet if you are older. Older means probably above 30.
third what does it do? it reestablishes full communication between the mitochrondia of the cell and the synapses. As we age that communication decreases and it is important for muscle and brain to have those communications to function on a younger level. It is believed this is a true indicator of ageing. In mice it works. Old mice act and look younger and live longer. A good thing, I think.
It is in your body, but in smaller amounts then needed and by taking more it reestablishes the communication by a different means in the mitochondria. Kind of a short cut.
Exactly what is it. Niacin is a B vitamin and very important. Niacin breaks down in the body to niacinaminde. ( as a aside only niacin causes flushing). Niacinamide breaks down into Nicotinamide riboside.
So by the time all this breakdown happens there " ain't " much left. So we must supplement to get enough to improve the above communication.
Is the proof all in for humans? No, but I am very encouraging to try and has no overdose or down sides at all, as far as I can see. Want to wait for the studies. Well you can wait, but I am not going to. I am 78 years old and I do not have the time to spare.
Now don't take my word for it. Go to or
Neither one of these search engines will track you or steer you to a website to sell stuff. No records are made. Google does!
Put in nicotinamide riboside reaserch. It is worth while and I believe everyone should do their own research. You probably do not know me from Adam! My job is to make you familiar with new things and you to confirm it in your mind.
That is it for now.