What if I told you there is a vitamin that would reverse these deposits. Takes it out. One study I saw was that 50% of the calcium was removed in six months by optimizing the dose of this vitamin. Optimized dose of that vitamin K is around 200 mcg a day. You can get this vitamin over the counter or you can ferment your own foods and get it that way.
The bad news is that those who are on anti coagulant therapy should not take this vitamin without a doctors supervision as it will negate the effects of the anticoagulant. I am talking about those on Coumadin, or Plavix and similar drugs to make the blood thinner. There are two names for every drug and the ones I have mentioned are the commercial names. The label on your bottle may have the chemical name. Check it out. More bad news....there is no test for K2, but trust me if you have the above problems you are low. Good news ......there is no over dose.
So, bottom line. Take k2 to reduce plaque ( if not on a anticoagulant blood thinner), vitamin D as it stabilizes the placque you have in your arteries and reduces inflammation and don't forget to take some magnesium to because that helps with making sure your rhythm stays normal. Magnesium is low in the American diet and vitamin D uses magnesium ( lowers the magnesium level). A test for magnesium is not accurate and few doc's realize this. If the test says you are low in magnesium .....you are. If it says you are normal .....it might be, but maybe not. This information is repeated else where on the internet . I suggest you check VDC website out if you or your doc does not believe me.
Important stuff to reduce the bad effects of living in a civilization.
Bruce Bennett CRNA